Author Archives: Liz

Jelly Fungi.

These jelly fungi, Calocera sp., were growing in some sleepers edging the grassy area of Else Mitchell Park. They typically fruit after rain, and provide food for invertebrates like this millipede.


Another jelly fungus found in Else Mitchell Park, Tremella mesenterica.


Yellow Stainer fungi

Agaricus xanthodermus, the ‘yellow stainer’.

The fruiting bodies of this species have a characteristic square shape. There are two forms, one that is pure creamy-white and this one with the brown speckles. Both have been found at Else Mitchell in March 2017. This mushroom is commonly known as yellow stainer due to the yellow colour that forms when the mushroom is damaged.

The pure creamy-white form of Agaricus xanthodermus.

A group of yellow stainer mushrooms, Agaricus xanthodermus, growing under a Casuarina in the Park.

Yellow staining on the damaged mushroom stipe.

Fragile Fungi

These little yellow fungi are Leucocoprinus fragilissimus. They are saprotrophic, gaining their nutrients from decaying organic matter.

This beautiful pale yellow mushroom is saprotrophic. These appeared sparsely throughout the woodland area of Else Mitchell Park in January 2017. They only lasted for one day but put on a magical display.

Frilly fungi.

The beautiful fungus shown in these images is Podoscypha petalodes. It is a common fungus in Else Mitchell Park, growing on dead or buried wood,  and forming these lovely frilly structures which are quite long-lived. Despite its fragile looks, it’s quite tough and leathery.

Munching millipedes.


These tiny red mushrooms are saprotrophic, breaking down dead vegetation. In turn they became food for some newly hatched millipedes.

Mycena viscidocruenta, or Ruby Bonnets, with caps ~1cm in diameter. These popped up in January 2017 after some rain and cool weather.  A couple of weeks later the fungi had disappeared and the branch was now the home of hundreds of small millipedes. Two months later, a new crop of fungi appeared after rain (bottom picture).